Designers of Space and Form
Design Phase
ITCM (Initial Technical Critical Meeting)
Our first meeting is an information gathering process where, through questions and answers, we discern your design needs and the scope of the project within your specifications.
PDR (Preliminary Design Review)
At the PDR we present several design concepts for review and the selection of your preferred design. This refining process can consist of several design meetings until you are satisfied with the design concept. This is the final meeting before the build-out of the mock-up.
CDR (Critical Design Review)
At the CDR we verify that all of your specified design requirements have been fulfilled. A final mock-up will be presented for sign-off. It is the final opportunity before the certification phase.
FAI (First Article Inspection)
The first finished unit which is to be mounted on the aircraft is presented for inspection. A corrections list (Snag List) is prepared for touch-up work to be completed before the final installation on the aircraft.
Certification Phase
Using your approved design, the engineering team will deliver a complete set of drawings for construction of a test article. A verified 9G test case will be used as the blueprint for the various testing methods. After the successful completion of the testing, a full report of the data will be generated and submitted to the proper governing authority.
The same process will be used for the flame testing of the materials such as fabric, paints and other decorative laminates. Progress reports will be supplied throughout the entire certification process.
Delivery Phase
The goal of jce design is to keep the integrity of your approved design concept through to completion. The final product should reflect your specifications and needs.
Having worked for decades with the world’s largest completion centers and manufacturers, jce design understands the process and has been successful in repeatedly providing designs and products that reflect the customer’s selected design within the allotted time. We pride ourselves in delivering a product that resembles as closely as possible the concept and design specifications established by you.
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